Soap Saver Mesh Soap on a Rope Bags


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Soap Saver Mesh Soap on a Rope Bags let you hang your favorite bar soap on a rope to keep from dropping it and to help it drain and last longer, also can keep together slivers to keep from wasting your soap.
These mesh soap savers are great for anyone who has problems holding onto your soap, great for boaters too!
Hang your favorite soap where you can always reach it. The extra long rope lets you hang it from the shower head, faucet, shampoo caddy or grab bar in your shower or tub. Lather your wash cloth or loop the drawstring over the wrist and wash with the Soap Saver itself though the mesh is a bit scratchy some might like the feel. Great on rough heels!.
The mesh material is water proof and lets the soap dry quickly. Not like cotton or other natural fibers that have to dry before the soap can dry.
Our Soap Saver is made of quality material that can handle normal daily use and will last a long time. No more soap slivers in the trash.
Nylon Mesh with 12 inch pull cord includes a plastic slide lock. Bag is approximately 4.75 inches wide by 6.25 inches tall. Perfect for our large full bars of soap.

Additional information

Weight .188 lbs


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