Got Goat Castille Men’s Handmade Soap


SKU: NSW-CGM-GGC-28 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Got Goat Castille Men’s Handmade Soap – Goats are baaaad ass little creatures, living brush cutters and they produce terrific milk and cute kids. This is a plain goat’s milk and olive oil Castille soap with no additives, no color, no scent just a pure creamy soap that soothes the skin. Great for dry skin that is sensitive to dyes and fragrances. Order a bar or several to find out why this is the best body soap for dry sensitive skin.

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Water, Sodium Hydroxide and Goat Milk.

Handmade in the USA. Natural ingredients. No dyes, pigments, botanicals or essential oils. Never animal tested!